QUIZ: How Much Do You Know About Climate Change?



We can all agree that climate change is bad news, right? And that we really need to do something about it? Good. But just how much do you know about global climate change and carbon emissions? It’s time to find out.

  1. 1: What has been warmest year on record?
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  2. 2: Which year had the lowest sea ice recorded by NASA?
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  3. 3: Which of these countries produces the most carbon emissions?
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  4. 4: Where were the UN climate talks held in 2015?
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  5. 5: Since the industrial revolution, how much has the world already warmed towards the internationally agreed upon danger limit of 1.5C?
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  6. 6: What percentage of all energy consumed in the US came from renewable sources in 2016?
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  7. 7: Where were the first solar panels (as we know them today) used?
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  8. 8: A house was first lit by wind-powered electricity in what year?
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  9. 9: Who said this: "The problem of global climate change is one that affects us all and action will only be effective if it is taken at the international level"?
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  10. 10: Who said this?: “The entire country is FREEZING — we desperately need a heavy dose of global warming, and fast!”?
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